Precursor material for functional surface, gold nanoparticles on polystyrol sphere, imaged with GeminiSEM 500, at 3 kV. Left: Inlens SE image, surface topography. Right: EsB image, material contrast.
Sample: courtesy of N. Vogel, University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany.
Funding Call

Strategic Infrastructure Fund

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)

Learn more about UKRI's funding for strategic equipment and how we can support you with your application.

Courtesy of Brenda Ropoulos

Segmented active ingredient particles in an antihistamine tablet. Following imaging on a ZEISS Versa XRM, the data was reconstructed using ZEISS DeepRecon Pro to improve contrast between similar low density materials for better segmentation. Widest width of tablet is 5 mm.

Fund Overview

The UKRI Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) supports the UK’s research competitiveness by investing in essential components like advanced, novel equipment and capability development.

Strategic equipment funding enables the adoption of novel technologies and tools that transform physical sciences research. This funding boosts the UK's scientific capabilities, driving high-priority, cutting-edge research aligned with EPSRC's goals.

The EPSRC Strategic Infrastructure Call invites applications showcasing:

  1. Technology that enhances research capabilities
  2. Expanded capacity for groundbreaking research
  3. Strong alignment with EPSRC's strategy and values
  4. Commitment to sustainability

Fund Highlights

  • > £400K

    Funding: Applications can request funding for equipment valued at over £400K (including VAT). While support for full economic costing (FEC) is available, contributions from the applicant institution are typically required.

  • Call Open

    Submission Timelines: The EPSRC Strategic Infrastructure call is open-ended with no set application deadlines. However, check with your institution, as internal deadlines may apply. Please coordinate with your local research office.

  • 24 Months

    Award Duration: Projects must be completed within 24 months of the award date.

Key Areas Addressed by ZEISS​ Solutions

Discover a selection of our recommended solutions that meet the application criteria for this funding call; this is not an exhaustive list. Please contact us for further details.

Additional Information

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)

The EPSRC is part of the UKRI funding council network. Its main objective is to promote knowledge in engineering and physical sciences to benefit the UK society and the economy. All applicants must belong to an affiliated research institute to be eligible for funding. ​

Guidance for Applicants
EPSRC provides detailed advice for grant applicants.

  • EPSRC Remit

    Applicants must ensure their research fits within at least one topic area under the funder's remit to be eligible.

    • Chemistry​
    • Engineering​
    • Information and Communications​
    • Materials​
    • Mathematical Sciences​
    • Physics
  • EPSRC Thematic Areas

    EPSRC focuses on four key themes. Aligning your research with one or more of these is critical for a successful application:

    • Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
    • Circular Economy
    • Digital Twins
    • Advanced Materials
  • EPSRC Strategic Priorities

    Building on these themes, EPSRC defines priority areas that may evolve over time. When preparing your grant application, ensure it aligns with one or more of these priorities to strengthen your case. Current priorities include:

    • Physical and Mathematical Sciences Powerhouse
    • Frontiers in Engineering and Technology
    • Digital Futures
    • Engineering Net Zero
    • Artificial Intelligence, Digitisation, and Data
    • Transforming Health and Healthcare
    • Quantum Technologies
    • Ensuring an Effective Ecosystem for Engineering and Physical Sciences

Contact Us

Interested in support for an EPSRC Strategic Infrastructure call application involving a ZEISS solution, or have questions? Complete the form below, and a representative will get in touch.

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