
From Virtual to Reality:

How to Target and Investigate Condition Within Advanced Electronic Packages

Discover a correlative workflow for effective physical failure analysis.

  • Learn how to interrogate a component within its packaging
  • Get an introduction to MCS Perfect Edge™
  • Explore a case study on a wire bond interrogation


When something goes wrong with an electronics-based system, as engineers, the first thing we do is test the system to find the faulty part. But what comes next? We may be able to simply replace that part but how do we know whether the failure was a one-off or a wider problem that may require intervention?

To answer this question, we must identify the root-cause of the problem. Was it caused by a manufacturing defect (latent defect potentially widespread across a certain batch or date code range), or because the part was driven outside its operating limits or environment? Physical failure analysis can provide the diagnostic information that allows us to assess risk and make appropriate technical and commercial decisions. However, with the complexity of today’s semiconductor devices and packaging technology, identifying and targeting regions of interest can be challenging.

This webinar recording covers a correlative workflow for effective physical failure analysis, based on materials science. We explain how to interrogate a component within its package and identify specific features of interest using ZEISS 3D X-Ray microscopy equipment. MCS Perfect Edge™ is then used to target these features for forensic analysis using ZEISS GeminiSEM 450. Mr. Stewart McCracken does a deep-dive on a case study, showing the kind of evidence contained in material microstructure and how this can be used to diagnose the root-cause of failure, leading to an effective solution. 

Speaker Mr. Stewart McCraken Chief Executive Officer, Materials Consultancy Services Limited (MCS)

Stewart McCracken is CEO of MCS. Following completion of his Masters Degree in Materials Science in Edinburgh, Stewart established MCS in 1999 in response to demand for expert materials analysis services within tight commercial timescales. Over the course of the past 24 years, Stewart has built MCS into a highly regarded, specialist provider of the highest quality problem solving and physical failure analysis services.


With a staff of ten highly qualified colleagues, Stewart and the team provide rapid, reliable failure analysis services based on materials science to customers around the world.Stewart has published numerous technical reports and papers including IEEE and microsystems journals.


Stewart's technical interests lie in the development of new materials analysis techniques based on the use of inert gas plasma coupled with advanced electron microscopy.

Speaker Dr. Andrew Elliott Product and Application Sales Specialist – Materials Science, Carl Zeiss Limited

Andrew Elliott has an extensive background in scanning probe microscopy. He has worked for Carl Zeiss Ltd as a Product & Applications Specialist since 2019, focused on Electron & X-ray microscopy. He previously obtained a masters degree in Chemistry and a PhD in Engineering at the University of Leicester, becoming experienced in the theory and application of various microscopy techniques including laser scanning microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray CT.