ZEISS VISUCONSULT 100 Your digital assistant for individual consultation.

An app developed to help you transform your consultation process into an unforgettable experience.

  • Vision needs analysis
  • ZEISS lens demonstration
  • Easy ordering with VISUSTORE

Give your patients a tailor-made visual solution.

With ZEISS VISUCONSULT 100, it takes three simple steps.

  • First, the unknown becomes known with the vision needs analysis questionnaire. It gives you a detailed analysis of your patient’s lifestyle, habits, and visual behaviour to help you select the most suitable lens option.
  • Next, make the invisible, visible for your patients by letting them experience your lens recommendations.
  • Finally, end the process with the click of a button, ordering a unique, customised ZEISS lens solution.
    Download the free ZEISS VISUCONSULT 100 App on iOS tablets from the App Store, to access your digital assistant for individual consultation.

Vision needs analysis and lens recommendation

You can only recommend the most suitable lens type for your patients when you have a clear understanding of their visual needs. Import patients' Vision Profile Analysis from My Vision Profile by scanning the QR code. Alternatively, the ZEISS VISUCONSULT 100 with vision needs analysis allows you to create an in-depth, visual lifestyle analysis with your patients. In both cases the vision profile is accompanied by at least two recommendations of customised ZEISS lens solutions linked to their unique vision needs.

ZEISS lens demonstration on iPad in AR.

ZEISS lens demonstration on iPad in AR.

Specific features and the real benefits of lenses are unknown to patients. The lens demonstration function within ZEISS VISUCONSULT 100 allows you to make the lens choice more tangible. It is an interactive lens consultation tool with easy-to-understand visualisation of products, features and benefits.

Lens explanation and upselling has never been this easy.


ZEISS lens demonstration on iPad in AR.

Digital eyestrain from too much screen time

Position-of-wear demonstration

This module helps you to demonstrate the individual parameters of faces and frames with the help of an interactive, moving head. You can easily explain the benefits of an individualised lens to your customer.

Digital eyestrain from too much screen time

Thickness demonstration

The thickness demonstration is an easy way to show what impact using different materials and high refractive indices will have on the lens thickness. By switching between different materials, indices and dioptres, you can make the reduction of lens thickness and weight visible to your patients.

Completing the consultation with refraction data, patient report and easy ordering via VISUSTORE


1. Capturing of final Rx and centration data

Enter your patient’s final prescription and frame centration data. This will allow you to see it in the summary, as well as transfer it to VISUSTORE.


2. Summary page

An easy-to-understand patient report that compiles all your patient consultation data and products in one place which you can print or email. Products chosen during lens demonstration will also be shown in summary.


3. Easy online ordering with VISUSTORE

With the click of a button, send all your patient consultation data to VISUSTORE, where you can place your order. You can calculate, optimise and see the thickness and exact specifications of your patients’ ZEISS spectacle lenses.

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The information entered in the contact form will be used to answer your request by  Carl Zeiss Vision Care by E-Mail or phone. Click here to read our statement on data protection.