Legal Notice & General Terms and Conditions
Legal Notice
This legal notice applies to this website and domains. It does not apply to websites and domains for ZEISS companies which, for example, have amended legal information due to national legislation. Therefore, please note the legal notices of all ZEISS websites you visit or programs you use.
In some cases, ZEISS websites also contain links to the websites of third party, non-ZEISS companies, to which these legal notices does not apply.
Information published under the ZEISS domains may contain references to products and services which have not been advertised or made available in your country. Such information does not imply that ZEISS intends to offer these products or services in your country at a later date. If necessary, you may contact our regional sales organization which will be pleased to provide you with information on the availability of these products and services. The presentation of the products and services on our website does not constitute a binding sales offer.
If software is offered for download free of charge, ZEISS assumes no liability for any damages resulting from the download or the use of the software. The download and use of the software is carried out exclusively at the user's own risk and without any liability or warranty, except in the event of any intent or gross negligence on the part of ZEISS.
In several places, we mention and provide links to third party websites. We do this only if we are completely convinced of the seriousness of the provider concerned. However, ZEISS is not responsible for the data protection stipulations or contents of these websites and assumes no liability in this regard. These external links are symbolized by the following icon:
Legal Information

ZEISS holds and reserves all rights to the content and layout of its websites. The intellectual property contained in our websites and our brands are protected. The text, images and graphics on our websites and their layout etc., as well as animations and software are subject to copyright law and other protective legislation. Reproduction, rendition or playback of the whole or parts thereof is prohibited unless our written permission has been obtained in advance. This website does not grant any license for the use of the intellectual property. ZEISS reserves the right to change, suspend or close down websites at any time and without prior notice.
Despite the careful compilation of the content of our website, we assume no liability for its correctness, accuracy, completeness or for undisrupted access to it. Insofar as is legally permissible, we assume no liability for direct or indirect damages including loss of earnings arising from the use of our website, or in connection with information made available on the website. We reserve the right to change or supplement the information provided, and to do so at any time.
© Carl Zeiss Limited – Last modified: July 2019
Carl Zeiss Ltd - Gender Pay Gap Report
Click here to view the Carl Zeiss Ltd Gender Pay Gap Report.
Tax Strategies
Carl Zeiss Limited Tax Strategy 2022
SILS Limited Tax Strategy 2022
1st October 2017 - 30th September 2018
Carl Zeiss Microscopy Limited Tax Strategy
Carl Zeiss Vision UK Limited Tax Strategy
Carl Zeiss Ltd - Statement of Investment Principles
Click here to view the Carl Zeiss Ltd Statement of Investment Principles.
Carl Zeiss Limited Pension & Assurance Scheme Financial Statements
Click here to view the document
Compliance with the UK Modern Slavery Act
According to the Global Slavery Index, modern slavery affects some 45.8 million people around the world. This practice can take many forms, such as forced labour, human trafficking, child labour or undignified working conditions. ZEISS does not tolerate or accept any form of modern slavery within its operations or in its supply chain. In case any allegations of modern slavery are reported, ZEISS will handle them very seriously and take appropriate steps to stop further harm. Where ZEISS finds that it has contributed to harm it will look to see what steps it could take to remedy that harm.
The responsible, law-abiding and ethical behaviour of a company and its employees are therefore of key importance for business partners, customers, authorities and the public. A good reputation and compliance with applicable laws are major factors that help determine a company's success. Employees also want to take pride in their company. It is equally important to make stringent demands on business partners and suppliers so that they also take social responsibility seriously in their supply chain and wider operations.
ZEISS is a top international player in the fields of optics and optoelectronics and works closely with a global supplier network. We can therefore only meet our own expectations, as well as societal and customer expectations, when our suppliers also adhere to social standards and play their part in ensuring sustainable development. Consequently ZEISS runs numerous activities in order to minimise the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking, and to promote fair working conditions.
Click here to view the Modern Slavery Act Statement 2022.
Click here to view the Modern Slavery Act Statement 2021.
Click here to view the Modern Slavery Act Statement 2020.
Click here to view the Modern Slavery Act Statement 2019.
Click here to view the Modern Slavery Act Statement 2018.
Click here to view the Modern Slavery Act Statement 2017.
Click here to view the Modern Slavery Act Statement 2016.